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Java UI Front End & Back End


Java UI Front End & Back End: Do you want to be a developer at the front end or a back end? Understanding your career objectives at the beginning of a coding boot camp can narrow down the college that is best for you. Let’s take a look at the distinction between web development at the front end vs back end development about the programming languages you should know, which coding classes teach you, and how to expect your work as a web developer front e

Java UI Front End & Back End
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Java UI Front End & Back End: Do you want to be a developer at the front end or a back end? Understanding your career objectives at the beginning of a coding boot camp can narrow down the college that is best for you. Let’s take a look at the distinction between web development at the front end vs back end development about the programming languages you should know, which coding classes teach you, and how to expect your work as a web developer front end or back end!

Front-end developer manages everything you see first in your application, browser or on website. Front-end designers are responsible for a website look and feel. The front end’s development focuses primarily on what some may call the development ‘client’ side. JavaScript, Hypertext Markup Language, and CSS are front End languages. If you want to become a front-end developer, you don’t suppose to have a back-end developer’s skills. Sites generated by the designers in the front end will not interact in order to function with data stored in a database. The content is “fixed” so that large pieces of new information are not uploaded permanently. Small companies and restaurants generally have excellent examples of static websites.

Back End Web Development:

Back end development refers to an application’s server-side and to everything between the database and the browser. The Back End Developer’s Code provides the browser with database data. Anything you can’t readily see with the eye is the back end developer’s job, like databases and servers. The position of back-end designer is often referred to as a web developer and programmer. Many back end designers are familiar with CSS and HTML front-end languages. Programming and Scripting languages used for the back-end development are Python, Ruby, Perl, PHP, .Net, etc. Back end, designers focus most

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Ui Design, Frntend, Backend Web Develpment
Ui r Web Design:
Html, CSS, Bootstrap
Front-End (Programming Web Development):
Javascript, Jquery, Ajax & JSON
Front-End (Application's Development):
Ecmascript, Reactjs
Typescript, Angularjs
Server-End & Back-End (Application's Development):
Ndejs, Expressjs and Mngdb
 Html Introduction And Its Use In Websites
 Introduction f Html
 Differences Between Html4 & Html5
 Elements / Tags
 Attributes And With Practical Examples
 Audi And Vide
 Html5 New Elements
 CSS Introduction And Its Use In Websites
 CSS Implementations In Html
 Animation Properties
 Background Properties
 Text Properties
 Layout Properties
 Posted Classes
 Animation Effects
 Bootstrap Basic
 Fixed Layouts
 Responsive Layouts
 Helper Classes
 Modal Dialog Boxes
 Basic Concepts
 Conditional Statements
 Lp Statements
 Dm And Event Handlers
 Working With Firms
 object-oriented Programming
 Advanced Cncepts – Prttype, Clsures, Apply(), Call() Etc.,
 Cntent And Css Manipulatins
 And Mre!
 Json Vs XML
 Json Object
 Jun Array
 Ajax Jun
Ecma Script6
 Let, Var, Cnst
 Arrow Functions
 Default Parameters
 Fr Lp
 Spread Attributes
 Static Methods
 Getters And Setters
 Single Page Apps VS Conventional Web Applications
 Where Angular Fits
 Angular-9 has arrived (what’s new)
 Brief Intr t TypeScript
 The TypeScript Module System
 Getting Setup
 Project Setup
 String Templates
 Cnst, Let
 Rest & Spread peratrs
 Arrow Functions
 Maps, Sets
 New object Features
 Typescript decorators
Angular Binding and Events
 Event Bindings
 Two-way Binding
 Class and Style Bindings
 Built-in Directives
 Component Data Binding
 Component Events
 Introduction t webpack/systems
Dependency Injection and services
 Why Dependency Injection?
 Injecting API
 Cmpnent Multi Prviders
 Injection Multi Providers
 Services overview
 Creating a Service
 Injecting a Service
 Introduction and Examples
 Directives overview
 Attribute Directives
 Custom Attribute Directive
 Structural Directives
 Structural Directive: ngIf
 Structural Directive: ngFr
 Structural Directive: ngSwitch
 Custom Structural Directive
 Using Pipes
 Creating Pipes
 Built-in Pipes
 Chaining Pipes
 Custom Pipes
 Stateful Pipes
 Cntrl groups
 Form Builder
 Template Driven Approach
 Data-Driven Approach
 Introduction and Use
 Creating and configuring Routes
 Imperative Routing
 Routing Parameters
 Child Routes
 Routing Lifecycle Hks
 Setting up Firebase
 HTTP PST Request
 HTTP GET Request
HTTP, Prmises, and bservables
 Premises – still available, still useful
 Calling an API via HTTP
 Introduction t observables
 observable Bindings
 observables operator
 Unit Testing
 End t End Testing
Introduction t Node JS
 What is Node JS?
 Advantages f Node JS
 Traditional Web Server Model
 Nde.js Press Model
Setup Dev Environment
 Install Nde.js n Windows
 Installing in mac s
 Working in REPL
 Node JS Cancel
Node JS Modules
 Module Types
 Cre Modules
 Local Modules
Node Package Manager
 What is NPM
 Installing Packages Locally
 Adding dependency in package.json
 Installing packages globally
 Updating packages
Creating Webserver
 Creating web server
 Handling HTTP requests
 Sending requests
File System
 Writing a File
 Writing a file asynchronously
 pending a file
 Deleting a file
 ther I peratins
Debugging Nde JS Application
 Cre Node JS debugger
 Debugging with Visual Studi
 EventEmitter class
 Returning event emitter
 Inhering events
 Configuring routes
 Working with express
Serving Static Resources
 Serving static files
 Working with middle ware
Database connectivity
 Connection string
 Working with select command
 Updating records
 Deleting records
Template Engines
 Why Template Engine
 What is Jade
 What is vash
 Introduction t ExpressJS
 Working With Data
 Working With Socket.i
 Processes and cluster
 Child Process Module
 Why clusters
 The cluster object
 The worker object
 Best Practices
 Nde.js API design
 Error Handling
 Hosting Nde
 Unit testing
MongoDB Basics
 What is MongoDB? Introduction, Architecture, Features & Example
 SQL Tutorial: Learn NSQL Features, Types, What is, Advantages
Install MongoDB
 Hw t Dwnlad & Install MngDB n Windws
MongoDB Database
 Hw t Create Database & Collection in MongoDB
 Add MngDB Array using insert() with Example
 Mngdb Primary Key: Example t set _id field with bjectId()
MongoDB Query Example
 MongoDB Query Document using find() with Example
 MongoDB Cursor Tutorial: Learn with EXAMPLE
 MongoDB order with Srt() & Limit() Query with Examples
 MongoDB Cunt() & Remove() Functions with Examples
 MongoDB Update() Document with Example
 Reactjs Introduction
 Installation / Setup An Environment
 Displaying An utput
 Working With Variables, Constants, Let
 Working With Decision Making Statements
 Working With Lps
 Understanding Hw The Styles Are Implemented Int utput
 Working With Inline, External Styles
 Naming Cnventin - Classname - Class = '...'
 Working With Frontend & Background Images
 Working With Comments
 Understanding Hw We Can Create Cmpnents
 Writing An Arrow Functions In Cmpnents
 Working With Props, Children Prps
 Working With State Management
 Understanding & Working With Event Handling
 Working With User-Defined Methods
 Working With Property Binding
 no Way Binding Data
 Two Way Binding Data
 Working With Forms And Instant Field Validation
 Working With File Upload
 Working With Rest Api’s
 Material UI
 Life Cycle Hks With Functional Cmpnents
 Life Cycle Hks With Class Cmpnents
 Saga Middleware
 Testing r Debug – Jest & Enzyme

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