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Salesforce Developer Lightning


Salesforce Developer Lightning: Lightning includes the Lightning Component Framework and some exciting tools for developers. Lightning makes it easier to build responsive applications for any device.

Lightning includes these technologies:

  • Lightning components accelerate development and app performance. Develop custom components that other developers and admins can use as reusable building blocks to customize Lightning Experience and the Salesf

Salesforce Developer Lightning
Start Date Duration Time Type Location Enroll
2025-02-09 30hours Your Flexible Online INSTRUCTOR-Online LIVE info@Maxtech
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Salesforce Developer Lightning: Lightning includes the Lightning Component Framework and some exciting tools for developers. Lightning makes it easier to build responsive applications for any device.

Lightning includes these technologies:

  • Lightning components accelerate development and app performance. Develop custom components that other developers and admins can use as reusable building blocks to customize Lightning Experience and the Salesforce mobile app.
  • Lightning App Builder empowers admins to build Lightning pages visually, without code, using off-the-shelf and custom-built Lightning components. Make your Lightning components available in the Lightning App Builder so administrators can build custom user interfaces without code.
  • Experience Builder empowers admins to build communities visually, without code, using Lightning templates and components. Make your Lightning components available in Experience Builder so administrators can build community pages without code.
  • Using these technologies, you can seamlessly customize and easily deploy new apps to mobile devices running Salesforce. In fact, the Salesforce mobile app and Salesforce Lightning Experience are built with Lightning components.

Maxtech IT Course Services

Classes Flexible Timings
Course Materials Access: Lifetime
Session Recordings
Software Installation
24x7 Training Team Support
Course Certificate
Resume Preparation and Interview Assistance


4 Aruna Patel (Reviews)

My trainer was wonderful.He has very deep knowledge of this subject.He always wants to give his Best during the training rather he gave the best.

5 Aiden Logan (Reviews)

I would like to take this opportunity to say Thank you to the Icon IT Inc team for all your help in getting my resume out and helping me and guiding me through this process. Initially I was reluctant about this online course.Once I joined the course, I feel this is the good way to gain the knowledge when you are sitting so far and cant be present physically in the class.

4 Naveen Y (Reviews)

Hi I have completed Hadoop course with Icon IT Inc; I would love to recommend this institute for its structured way for teaching and engaging students in implementing real time use case scenarios. 

Salesforce Developer Course Overview

Introduction to oops concepts

MVC Architecture:
•    Model
•    View
•    Controller
Apex Programming Overview:

•    CSS Introduction
 JavaScript Introduction:
•    Internal
•    External
Static Resources:
•    Adding External CSS files to the static resources 
•     Adding External Javascript files to the static resources 
Apex Class Creation – Calling
•    Defining Class
•    Access Specifiers
•    Method Declarations
•    Debugging results
•    Naming conventions & Code Commenting 
Data Types:
•    Primitives
•    Collections (List, Set and Map)
•    Subject

Standard Controller

•    Record setvar
Custom Controller
•    SOQL Query – Query data with SOQL and place them on Pages
•    Custom Save Functionality
•    With Sharing class Vs. without Sharing Class
•    User mode Execution Vs. System mode Execution
•    Save - Standard controller with extension sample

Wrapper Classes:
•    Display multi object data
•    Adding check boxes to the data and perform related operations 
View State:
•    Inner Queries & Relational Queries
•    Trigger Events 
•    Trigger Overview
•    Defining Triggers in Salesforce
Trigger Context variables

Ajax Components & its related components:
•    Action Function 
•    Action Support 
•    Action Region 
•    Action Pollar 
•    Action Status 
•    Rerender 
•    Render 
•    Facet 
•    Output panel 
•    Package Overview
•    Defining packages
•    Package Types
1.    Managed
2.    Unmanaged
•    Managed Vs Unmanaged Packages Sites – Public website Building:

•    Building public websites for the external Users
Batch Apex:

•    Batch apex Use and its Methods
Scheduling Apex:
•    Scheduling apex Use and its Methods
•    Limitations
Different sandboxes:
•    Sandbox Vs. Production Environments
•    Change sets
•    Limitations

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