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QA with Java selenium


QA with Java Selenium: Automation testing with Selenium means that Selenium QA testers can automate all test scripts throughout the testing process. Cross-Browser Testing: This type of testing validates that your software product performs and functions as expected across all browsers.

You can use multiple programming languages like Java, C#, Python, etc. to create Selenium Test Scripts. Testing done using the Selenium testing tool is usually re

QA with Java selenium
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QA with Java Selenium: Automation testing with Selenium means that Selenium QA testers can automate all test scripts throughout the testing process. Cross-Browser Testing: This type of testing validates that your software product performs and functions as expected across all browsers.

You can use multiple programming languages like Java, C#, Python, etc. to create Selenium Test Scripts. Testing done using the Selenium testing tool is usually referred to as Selenium Testing. It is an open-source, automated, and valuable testing tool that all web application developers should be well aware of.

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Course Objectives:
This course is designed to train beginners, intermediate and professional testers with the basics of testing web applications using Selenium. The focus is on the practical application of selenium to resolve common web automated testing challenges. We introduce WebDriver and advanced topics for experienced delegates to take you to Selenium WebDriver superstar status. We explore Jenkins CI integration, Page Objects, Excel and WebDriver for data-driven examples, Selenium Grid, Source Control SVN integration & GIT hub.
Reliable: Tests perform precisely the same operations each time they are run, thereby eliminating Human error.
Repeatable: You can test how the software reacts under repeated execution of the same operations.
Programmable: You can program sophisticated tests that bring out hidden information from the application.
Comprehensive: You can build a suite of tests that covers every feature in your application.
Reusable: You can reuse tests on different versions of an application, even if the user interface changes.
Better Quality Software: Because you can run more tests in less time with fewer resources.
Fast: Automated Tools run tests significantly faster than human users.
Cost Reduction: As the number of resources for regression test are reduced.
Reporting: Customized reporting of application defects.

Selenium with Java Objectives:
1.    To understand the important features of the selenium IDE.
2.    To record and run the test cases in selenium.
3.    To identify the object in the selenium by using locators.
4.    To understand a different kind of locators and the importance of the locators.
5.    To create and install the selenium core and use for running the test suites in selenium.
6.    To understand the selenium remote control, how to install and run the remote-control test in the Java IDE like Eclipse or Visual Studio or IntelliJ.
7.    To understand the Selenium latest feature web-driver, what is the importance of the web-drivers and how to run the web-driver test in eclipse IDE.
8.    To understand how to run test cases in multiple browsers by using web drivers.
9.    To create a selenium grid to execute same test case in multiple operating systems and multiple browsers.
10.    To understand the importance of the test-NG in the selenium and how to run J-Unit test.
11.    To understand selenium frameworks like Data-driven, Keyword driven, and so on. 
•    What is Automation Testing?
•    When to start automation?
•    When not to go for automation?
•    What are the advantages of automation testing?
•    What is Selenium
•    What are the advantages of selenium?
•    Difference between Selenium and QTP?

    Java for Selenium
•    Introduction to Java
•    Installing JDK
•    Configuring Eclipse IDE
•    Creating Java Project
•    Sample Java Program
•    Classes and Objects
•    Downloading Selenium server jar
•    Configuring Selenium into the Java Project
•    Conditional Statements in Java
•    Loops in Java
•    Arrays in Java
•    Array List in Java
•    Methods in Java
•    Utility Functions in Java
•    Local and Global variables in Java
•    Static and Instance Variables in Java
•    Hash Set in Java
•    Method Overloading in Java
•    Constructors in Java.
•    Inheritance in Java
•    Interfaces in Java.
•    Packages in Java.

    Selenium IDEIntroduction
•    Installation and Introduction to IDE
•    Creating first script using record and playback
•    Installation of Inspector Tools and its Uses.
•    Installation and Introduction to IDE
•    Creating first script using record and playback
•    Installation of Inspector Tools and its Uses.
•    Generating Scripts using different Web Elements
•    Handling Wait Commands
•    Handling Validations Commands
•    Handling Store Commands
•    Limitations of IDE

    WebDriver Introduction
•    Architecture of Selenium WebDriver
•    WebDriver Interface
•    Writing single script to work on different browsers
•    Firefox Browser
•     Chrome Browser
•     IE Browser
•    Edge Browser

    How to do Browser settings by using Option Classes
•    ChromeOptions, FirefoxOptions, EdgeOptions and InternetExplorerOptions Classes
•    Browser Logs - Disabling/Writing to File
•    Disabling notifications 
•    maximizing
•    Disabling info-bars
•    Page Load Strategy
•    Managing https Certificate Errors

•    Concept of Browser profiles
•    Why we need Profiles
•    Types of Browser Profile Classes
•    Firefox, Chrome, IE, Edge Profiles
•    Making WebDriver launch with customized instance of Firefox, Chrome, IE, Edge Profiles

    Add on and Methods
•    Firebug and FirePath
•    Login functionality test
•    Locators in WebDriver
•    Methods in WebDriver

•    Introduction to Synchronization
•    Thread.sleep()
•    Implicit waits
•    WebDriverWait Class
•    Waiting strategies
•    PageLoadTimeout and ScriptTimeout Property

•    Types of Xpaths
•    Relative and Absolute
•    Creation of relative Xpaths
•    Creation of Absolute Xpaths
•    Customizing Xpaths
•    Handling Dynamic Xpaths
•    Xpath Axes

    Using CSS Selectors
•    CSS Selectors
•    Creation of CSS Selectors
•    Comparison between Xpath and CSS Selectors
•    Relative and Absolute CSS
•    Handling Dynamic CSS Selectors

    Maven Project
•    What is Maven and Why Maven?
•    Installing/Configuring Maven
•    Archetypes in Maven
•    Creating maven project
•    Eclipse plugin for maven
•    Using the maven plugin to execute phases - compile, clean, package etc
•    POM.xml
•    Maven Repositories
•    Building POM.xml to configure Selenium and TestNG
•    Building a selenium project and running it through Maven
•    What is TestNG
•    Installing TestNg in Eclipse
•    TestNg annotations
•    Understanding usage of annotations
•    Setting priority of execution for test cases
•    Skipping Tests
•    Grouping test cases
•    How to set Test Dependencies
•    Running a Test in TestNg
•    Batch Running of tests in TestNg
•    parameterizing Tests - DataProvider
•    Putting Dataproviders for multiple tests in a single file
•    Parameterizing/Sharing single dataprovider for multiple test cases
•    Listeners for logging in case of FAILED, SKIPPED or PASSED test cases
•    TestListener Adaptor
•    Reporting multiple failures in single test case

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